Follow The Yellow Brick Road

Monday, November 21, 2005

Harry Potter!
We finally got to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last night. As far as the movies go this one is up to par. It is great to see the kids finally growing up! I cried like a baby at the end. This is one case where reading the book makes it harder to watch because you know what is going to happen and you are afraid to see it play out in front of you. It was slightly disappointing though because they seemed to leave quite about out. I totally understand because the book is so long, but it still seemed to be missing something (Hermione trying to liberate House Elves?). Still, I cant wait to see the next few movies. I really can't wait for the final book to come out.

On another note, the Mr. and I are getting ready to go on our mini-vacation this week. We are bundling up and packing our warm clothes for St. Louis. Im excited. Finally we get to go to a new city I haven't seen before. It should be fun.


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